MTA KIMYA – Wkalat


As MTA KiMYA Gıoup, we are one of the lal’gest mamlacturers of al kiıds of deanlng and detergent pRJducts in Tuıl(ey and the Mlddle East. mately The annual production of 25,000 tons of powder our fııctoıy ıs deaning pıoducts al)llll)Xland 30,000 tons of lquld cleaning producıs. o.ırfııctoıy Is located in Konya. in a dosed area of 15,000 square rneım. and ıs ecppptd widı the most modem and advanced technological equlpment cumımen and aınaılllffl clıectlyb of the reglon. We have been sermg 18yeıın. We woıt wlth 185 experlenced emplo)’ees and expert chemlsts woıldwide. o.ır admlnlstratlve center Is loaııed in lstıın� and other ıegions ofTurtey: Ankara. Adana and Antalya. Espedally thanks to our logistlcs -house and branche$, we aın dellYerto any polnt in Tll’key wlthln 48 hour